Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last week of school before winter break in pictures...

We tried to "duck" the 6th grade class/ teacher who is an Ohio fan, they started it with signs on our door in the morning "Pro Buckeyes" :)

Chayse mixing the dry ingredients

Joey using my laptop to be the journalist

Ms. Connie helping with crafts

I made the same apple muffin mix (that I measured out...) into mini muffins and got about 15 of them- they were good!

Holiday concert- Wednesday, December 16th

Mrs. Tengei's class ready for the concert

Bond's class before the concert- they looked so good all dressed up!

Ms. Connie, Justus' mom, came in to both our 3rd grade classes and created this winter scene with our kids! AMAZING!

Friday, December 18, 2009

More Student of the Week...

I hope these are all of them! I couldn't remember where we left off.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Homework

Holiday homework packet!

· The student will work through the AIMS math practice test. When doing this in the classroom, they are on their own and quiet. However, while at home it is ok to work through some difficult problems together this time. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TESTBOOK, only the answer bubble sheet. We would like to use these as much as possible for practice.
· One sheet of 3’s multiplication, also practice using the 12x table as many problems as possible.
· Holiday word search and crossword

** To be turned in January 4th**
1. bubble sheet and AIMS practice packet
2. 3x’s table sheet
3. holiday word search and crossword

This will be going home Thursday or Friday of this week :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Music Program Wednesday, Dec. 16th

Don't forget the music program tomorrow, Wednesday night at 6:30!
All students need to report by then to our classroom and we will walk together into the concert/ cafeteria. The concert will be held in a cafeteria/ multipurpose room.
Dress code: Holiday dress (nice, red legacy shirt ok) or a skirt/ dress, holiday shirt and nice pants.

ALSO, congratulations to our classroom spelling bee champions from today. Journey won in 1st place, Gillian 2nd. Both girls will go onto represent our class in the school wide competition in January. I was so impressed with our class as a whole, we had to go through the 3rd grade list twice because no one would get out!

Keep it up, 3 more days until the break. BRING PENCILS PLEASE. We are going through a crazy amount.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Spelling Bee

Until this morning I thought we could do our class spelling bee any time next week and so was going to have it next Friday the 18th. However, I found out that we have to do it Tuesday the 15th. I sent home a list of all the 3rd grade words we will be using so they can study them over the weekend. Next week's spelling list is a little different and a mixed version of 30 of these spelling bee words. I will post them here in case anyone loses their printed list (I know they never lose anything like that! :) ) I stapled most in their Friday packet.
The winner and runner up will go onto the school wide spelling bee January 14th.


Good luck!
Hope to see some of you pretty soon at school for the movie. Also, sorry if your student has said I was grouchy this week- I might have been :) I finally just went to chiropractor after school today for back pain- woke up with it last Saturday morning- and I slipped a disk...Have to bend over less (somehow...)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social Studies, 13 Colonies

Just wanted to post some links to check out from home. We will look at some at school, but Pete's Power Point Station is such a cool sight with information on just about every subject, many in power point. Check out those "for Kids" for more Kid friendly information!
From this website I found some websites for students about the 13 colonies; about daily life and games from colonial Williamsburg and occupations.

Let me know if you have any questions via the blog, e-mail or phone!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wednesday's play

My camera batteries kept dying so I only got a few of the skit in class. They were pretty cute and excited to say their lines in front of others not in our class. I hope everyone has had a good Thanksgiving and long weekend, see ya Monday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday November 25th

A few different and exciting things this Wednesday;

1. The last day of the week (it is a FULL day, dismissal is at 2:30)
2. Dollar for Duds! -bring a $1.00 and the student is free to wear their choice (all but flip flops, spaghetti straps, shirts with violence and short shorts)
3. We are going to try to perform (be ready for full use of scripts and a few giggles) the Thanksgiving Readers Theater, in our classroom on Wednesday at about 10:10-10:30. You are welcome to come and watch :)

Have a great 4-day weekend and see everyone on Monday the 30th

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Friday afternoon I brought in a lot of local store ads. For math, we made two shopping lists-one of whatever they wanted for $20 and the second "healthy" food- some from every food group except sugar/ oil. Then they cut out food and glued them onto their "food guide pyramids". I couldn't find a template of the old/ regular guide so I went with the column sheet.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social Studies, Tests, Next Week

First, you may have heard that we are working on a "play" or Readers Theater about some of the people making the journey on the Mayflower. Here is the First Thanksgiving website that I took the Readers Theater from, there is also other history stuff there too.
Also I know some students have gone to but I wanted to remind all that this is a good site to practice any and all spelling words on.

At our staff meeting this week they gave us the percentages for math testing. At the beginning of the year 76% of our class tested at 3rd grade level for math computation (timed math facts), now when tested again at the end of October we have 100% testing at 3rd grade level!! The second test is concepts and applications, more the story problems and multiple choice problems. At the beginning of the year we again tested at 76% at grade level, and in October 95% of our class has progressed!! Keep it up at home as well!

Next week is a 3 day week- full days Monday- Wednesday. We will not have a regular spelling test or list, instead we are going to practice sight words and old spelling words spelling bee style. I will be sending home regular math homework Monday and Tuesday night (to be turned in Tuesday and Wednesday) and probably some work for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteran's Day

No School Wednesday November 11th.
We talked a little in class about how Veteran's Day was named (orig. Armistice Day) when WWI ended on the eleventh hour, eleventh day of the eleventh month. Although these were mostly from WWII, I showed them a few pictures from when I was in France last November and saw the American Cemetery. We talked about the day not to necessarily be sad, but as a day to think of the hero's who served/ is serving our country. Here are the photos.

Outlining practice November 9th

We talked about different ways to organize information, one being outlining. Previously I made 4 different possible outlines with titles, categories and details (ie- Seasons; Thanksgiving; turkey, family, Pilgrims...) They worked in groups of 4 or 5 to move around the laminated words to figure out how the outline should go and record on their own paper.