Monday, August 24, 2009

Class Photo!

Hello again!
We have published our first newsletter out today and the hope is to make this a weekly update. The letter was supposed to go home Friday, but the day's end is still a little bit crazy :)
This blog is a place people can add on comments about the post or school in general.
This week we will be working more on money, place value, world geography with directions, sentence structure and journal writing! Miss Bond's class goes to Mrs. Tengei's room (other 3rd grade) each Tuesday for science while Mrs. Tengei's class comes in with me and works on Social Studies. On Fridays each class stays in their respective rooms for the other lesson. This way, we as teachers can focus on one lesson to teach both classes and our student's can work with another teacher.
Food for thought: While at the store, out to dinner, or looking at something dealing with money this is a good opportunity to ask your student to round the price (nearest dollar) and estimate the total price. This is a fairly new skill in the classroom but every real experience will help them!


  1. Love your blog.
    You guys look so good in this picture.
    Miss Bond you have two of my kindergarteners in your class...
    Can you guess which two???
    Fondly, Mrs. Harmor

  2. Thats a GREAT idea about the rounding at the restaurant..... I never thought of that. Great picture. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Barbara, I think I could narrow it down pretty close to figure out the lucky two who had you!
