We will be able to dress up for about the last hour of school on Friday, October 30th. Only if they would like to dress up, students can bring a simple costume to change into. To follow school rules the costume guidelines are: no violence (blood, gore, fangs sticking out), no masks, no face make up, no weapons and comfortable shoes. Please keep this simple, no accessories to the costume. If the costume does not meet these guidelines and could be considered “gory” or too difficult to put on and transport to school, please just send in a picture of the student dressed up to share. Store bought treats for the afternoon would be appreciated.
Cookie Dough Sale
I sent home packets for the cookie dough sale on Thursday afternoon. Please only let your students ask people who they know, and if they want to ask neighbors a parent or adult needs to go with them. The school will only accept cash, and the students need to turn in their envelopes with their orders and enough money to cover them all by November 9th. The money earned will be just for our classroom to cover future field trips, materials, etc. The frozen products will be delivered to Legacy on Tuesday, November 24th and will go home with the students that day.
The Suns
A shameless plug for Josh and the Phoenix Suns- If you are interested in going to some basketball games, or really other activities at the US Airways Center, call Josh Whaley. He can put together season, 1/2 season, 11 and 4 game packages, group rates, and they have some kind of fundraiser option that I do not know much about but have been used for teams and groups to raise money. Contact information:
Josh Whaley
201 E Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
office: 602-379-7882
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