First, you may have heard that we are working on a "play" or Readers Theater about some of the people making the journey on the Mayflower. Here is the
First Thanksgiving website that I took the Readers Theater from, there is also other history stuff there too.
Also I know some students have gone to but I wanted to remind all that this is a good site to practice any and all spelling words on.
At our staff meeting this week they gave us the percentages for math testing. At the beginning of the year 76% of our class tested at 3rd grade level for math computation (timed math facts), now when tested again at the end of October we have 100% testing at 3rd grade level!! The second test is concepts and applications, more the story problems and multiple choice problems. At the beginning of the year we again tested at 76% at grade level, and in October 95% of our class has progressed!! Keep it up at home as well!
Next week is a 3 day week- full days Monday- Wednesday. We will not have a regular spelling test or list, instead we are going to practice sight words and old spelling words spelling bee style. I will be sending home regular math homework Monday and Tuesday night (to be turned in Tuesday and Wednesday) and probably some work for the Thanksgiving holiday.