Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week April 19-24 (Sat= Family Appreciation Day!)

Monday the 19th: AIMS #3 (the LAST part!) I hope they are all getting lots of sleep tonight, breakfast will be served, cereal, tomorrow morning at school.

Thursday the 22nd: This is also Earth Day! I will be doing a demonstration on Wednesday in school about what happens when oil (vegetable oil) spills into a river (Tupperware bowl of water) and how hard it is to clean up. We will be going on our field trip to the Arizona Science Center, we have 4 parents going but should have 1-2 more. Let me know ASAP if you are interested. It is $8 for parent/ family helpers. We will be gone all day, 8-2. Please make sure the students are at school ON TIME!

All week:
we started a science experiment with an egg in vinegar. It is called The Naked Egg.
From the website this is what is happening:
Let's start with the bubbles you saw forming on the shell. The bubbles are carbon dioxide gas. Vinegar is an acid called acetic acid - CH3COOH - and white vinegar from the grocery store is usually about 5% solution. Egg shells are made up of calcium carbonate. The vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate by breaking the chemical into its calcium and carbonate parts (in simplest terms). The calcium part (free ions of calcium float around in the solution) while the carbonate part reacts to form the bubbles that you see. I wanted to use this to teach the class about the Scientific process (question, hypothesis, materials, collect data, test, draw conclusion...) so they all wrote their hypothesis. I wanted to show them that they need to have a test egg as a steady factor. I started worrying however that as they were talking about doing this at home- the plain egg in water would go bad. I kept ours in the fridge... They are excited to watch what happens even if the water egg is not a good representation of a real experiment.

Saturday the 24th: Meet at Red Mountain Park for a BBQ and games. Bring the whole family and friends!


  1. The oldest said the experiment was "real cool". Also said, "it was funny when Ms. Bond got it on her". Have a fun time on the field trip and family appreciation event.

  2. ya, what a mess. I asked today what about the scientific process that they learned... all they could remember was me covered in egg and vinegar!
